Saturday 29 December 2018



End of the year 2018. I haven't done anything special this year since I have focused on my studies. I didn't wear full coords much, but during the heat wave I wore shorts and skirts casually.

There were two lolita meets I attented: one in the winter and other during summer. I missed few ones since I had other things to do at the time. There were also few fairs I went to. Most memorable moment were when I was wearing my piano skirt and a cashier told me more people should dress like me, it made my day.

The year have been more about knitting than sewing. At the beginning of the year I made two pairs of long woolen socks, during the summer two shawls, and other small knits like hats. Almost everything sewn is from the autumn and winter.

Past year I made:
2 Pair of pants
2 Skirts
2 Dresses
1 Winter jacket
2 Pair of knitted socks
2 Knitted lace shawls
Several knitted hats

This year's favourite pieces were the blue dress and the red x black pants. As soon as I find fitful fabrics I'm going to make them on other colourways.

For next year I want to make more blouses (I have at least 5 blouse fabrics to be sewn) and vests (especially black ones). I also have few knitting patterns saved, mostly cardigans this time. For last I want to wear jfashion more often, but we'll see since I'm graduating soon.

Happy New Year~

Monday 17 December 2018

Christmas market

 Last week were our school's Christmas Market. Every year I have done Christmasy look and this year weren't exception. I actually had this kind of coord in mind when I did the skirt. It was really comfortable and warm to wear.

The whole day were just sitting behind the table. Honestly I'm a bit dissapointed how poorly I did: I sold few cup earrings and one tealight cover. Well, better luck next time. I'm happy for those who did better.

Yay, stripe skirts! There were some fabrics on sale which were weaved at school (as part of textile design program). I grapped the stiped ones. The brown one is almost done and I have cut the blue one to pieces. I try to get them finished before I leave to my parents for Christmas.


Tuesday 4 December 2018

Tiny cups

I really like doing small stuff. I was once doing miniature cups and plates in internship (as we were talking about dollhouses and my supervisor suggested it) and I decided to continue doing those on my own. As I don't have any dolls or such I though small cups would be cute accessory. 

The cups are throwed in potter's wheel and the handle is attached later on. Glazing are some old experimental glazes and this is a good way to use them up. I didn't want to leave the cups empty so I added some glass pieces as "liquid".

I made this batch to Christmas market, I hope it will sell well. I'm only a bit worried about the earrings as they are a bit heavy, but the pendants are good. The overall look still needs a bit improvements.

Also I tried to make some sort of video of making them, enjoy!

Sunday 2 December 2018

Sewing spree #2: Leftover pants

 After making the blue dress I had some of the fabric left. There were enough for a pair of pants

 Pattern is really simple one with a bit gathering in the hem and waist. After I had cutted the pieces I realized I should done it the other way around so the stripes would have been vertical, not horizontal. For buttons and zipper I used some old ones I already had.

Gathering a bit at the waist was a bad idea as it makes it look like I have a small beer belly. It's only good when the blouse hides it. I like the colour but otherwise they're okayish: not the best ones but wearable. At least I got "rid" of the fabric.