Tuesday 4 December 2018

Tiny cups

I really like doing small stuff. I was once doing miniature cups and plates in internship (as we were talking about dollhouses and my supervisor suggested it) and I decided to continue doing those on my own. As I don't have any dolls or such I though small cups would be cute accessory. 

The cups are throwed in potter's wheel and the handle is attached later on. Glazing are some old experimental glazes and this is a good way to use them up. I didn't want to leave the cups empty so I added some glass pieces as "liquid".

I made this batch to Christmas market, I hope it will sell well. I'm only a bit worried about the earrings as they are a bit heavy, but the pendants are good. The overall look still needs a bit improvements.

Also I tried to make some sort of video of making them, enjoy!

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