Sunday 18 November 2018

Sewing spree #1

I have too many fabrics I should sew to clothes and I finally got some motivation to finish them. The first one is a simple gathered skirt with side zipper and lining.

 I found this fabric at school's "take for free" bin. It seems to be some sort of wool. It reminds me a bit about finnish folk costume and I have in mind to do traditional coord sometime.

There were a bit leftover fabric so I made matching pouch.

Thursday 15 November 2018

The dress for Tracon

I made this dress for Tracon 2018. Con was really nice even though I ended up skipping sunday.
I had in mind to do something gathered, and ended up gathering everything. The dress is empire-waisted (like usual) with tiered skirt. Skirt were supposed to have 5 tiers but as it went too long I left the last one out. I don't regret since 4 tiers are perfect length.

Pattern were really easy to draw since gathering will hide most of the flaws. The only thing I had to change were the sleeves, and for them little trimming. Otherwise patterns weere good on the first try.

I really like this dress. It's really comfortable to wear and I like the colours it has. If I find any similar fabric I might do the dress on other colourway.

Monday 5 November 2018

Halloween dress

There's no Halloween in Finland, but it got me a bit inspired to do a darker dress. I had in mind to do black chiffon one as I have never sewed chiffon before. In the end I had to change my plan as local fabric shop didn't have any good black, so I ended up with wine red instead.

The fabric has a tulle-like texture and is as soft as chiffon. Lining is black. During the project I had mixed feelings with this combination: sometimes I liked it and others I hated it. Luckily it ended well.

For the dress I used the same pattern as my older one. Only modification were to remove zipper on the back and change it to buttoning on the front.

Overall I'm pretty happy how it turned out. Of course there are some small mistakes but I can bear with them.