Sunday 8 September 2019

I skipped the con and went to pet fest instead

Tracon was on this weekend. When I finally looked through the panels I didn't find anything interesting and didn't feel like going there just for the dealer's hall and such. So I ended up skipping the whole con.

Instead there were some sort of pet fest in the city and I went there on sunday. There were all kinds of pets there like dogs, cats, lizards etc and you could even pet some of them. Even though I don't have any animals I enjoyed my time there.

I wore the dress I made for Tracon there. It was comfortable to wear. After the fest we had little picnic near by and took some pics. As the dress is a sailor inspired one the lake fits the theme quite well. It was windy and the dress didn't stay put. My favourite picture is the one taken from the back. From the fest I only took one photo and it has alpacas in it:

Really nice day overall. I have some new projects going on, like knitted cardigan and a JSK, and I'm going to work on them for now on.

Monday 2 September 2019

Sailor dress

Just finished a new dress, yet another waistless cut.

I went to a fabric store to find some lining to other dress but stumbled upon this fabric. Right away I though about that certain sailor dress some brand had (and later found out it was APs Cosmic JSK, not that similar) and decided to something like it. I ditched my current project to finish this one first. My goal was to get it done to Tracon.

I had in mind to do another waistless dress. I'm not that happy with the pattern I have used on earlier dresses so I decided to try it a bit different way. The earlier one was just widened and gathered as the first dress had border print and for this one I tried A-line hem without any gatherings (except for sleeves). The neckline is wide enough to fit a head through so the dress don't have zipper or such.

The fabric was really awful to sew. It's really thin and slippery. That wasn't the only problem: the print were a bit off. I couldn't just fold the fabric and cut, I had to cut one half first and then match the print and the cut the other half. This caused some problems later on as it needed some darts on the front and shoulders to fit the lining.

This was the first time I made a sailor collar. The stripes are cut from navy fabric and not ready-made ones as I wanted it to match other navy stuff I made for the dress (ribbons etc, and a bag is on its way). The center part it attached with snap buttons.

Overall I'm happy with this one. It's really nice even with some small flaws. There were some leftover fabric and I haven't decided yet what to make with it. Maybe a skirt.