Thursday 23 May 2019

Country girl: Gingham skirt

For the past few sewings I have done were simple gathered rectangle skirts so I wanted to try something a bit more complicated. I went to a fabric store for just to look some fabrics and I stumbled upon some gingham ones. The first one had smaller pattern and there were enough for a skirt, the second one had bigger pattern and there are enough for a JSK. I went with the skirt first as it was easier.

I had in mind to do a skirt with ruffles on the bottom. The hem is 230cm wide and with remaining fabric I could have ruffles 2x hem width. I decided to do pleated ones as I'm not a fan of gathering and it actually pleated perfectly for the whole hem. I sewed lace over the seam to hide it.

At first I didn't plan to add pockets but as there were some leftover fabric I decided to add them. I had some extra lace from previous work and decided to add them here.

Ended up with this ugly skirt. I decided to resew the pockets a bit more to the sides and changed waist pleads to gathering.

If you compare the final one to the previous you can see clear difference in the look. Overall I'm pretty happy with this skirt. I'm not really a fan of sweet but I like this one. I had to remake some parts but otherwise it went well.